The Rules

– Teams of 5 for the Men, 4 for the Women, a tandem, and a solo division. This year we are adding a ‘Girl Power’ division for our ladies that want to ride the same loop as our mens team. Get 5 ladies together, and conquer the same 120+ mile loop the men do!

– Riders are NOT required to be from the same USAC team, but must wear the same jerseys in order to distinguish themselves from other teams.

– Teams will start with 4 minute gaps. The slower teams starting first and the faster teams starting last. This will allow all teams to finish close to the same time.

– Overall winners will be judged by the fastest time of their team.

– There will be 5 checkpoints throughout the route. All riders are required to meet each checkpoint (these will be a punch card style check-in). Failure to meet a checkpoint will result in a 10 minute time penalties. If teams miss more than 2 checkpoints, they will be disqualified from the results.

-This race is to be self supported. No outside support is allowed except under penalty of disqualification. In a pinch, teams may share goods in the spirit of sportsmanship.

– The route will allow for places to replenish supplies (gas stations).

18 thoughts on “The Rules

  1. No outside support but we can stop at gas stations? Does this mean we could have someone meet us at a gas station to pick up pre-made ride/race food?

    I understand the no outside mechanical help, but since we can stop for food/water at gas stations can we not have a feeder meet us at said gas station(s)?
    Asking for a clarification.


    • Great question. To clarify, no outside support from family, friends, etc. This might change next year with a neutral feed zone, but for this year, just what you can carry, or purchase at a convenience store. The convenience store offers the same time split for everyone as opposed to grabbing a feed bag and continuing to roll through.


      • Thanks for the clarification Tanner. I know some other people were wondering the same thing. See you on Sunday!

        ps: how were the gravel/dirt road sections this weekend on the recon ride? I saw some photos and they looked fairly smooth. Any flats?


  2. Couple of more questions…

    1. Aero bars or clip ons allowed?
    2. What are groups and/or solos supposed to do when and if they encounter each other on the course? Can solo’s tag onto groups or can solos work together? Can groups work together? I am assuming not, but clarification is always better than ambiguity.
    3. Will the start times for the groups be posted the night before the race or on Sunday morning?

    Thanks for putting this on Tanner, really looking forward to doing a race that is more than just a race.


    • 1) No aero bars please (unless you promise to swim before and run after).
      2) If you see someone on course, say hello, ask how they are doing. This event has been modeled after a gentlemen’s style race. Be a gentlemen. In a pinch, perhaps offer another team some service. It is a ‘race’, and teams are supposed to be fully self supported, but an extended tube or Snickers from another team is not against the rules. Outside of extending a helping hand to a fellow cyclist, working together is prohibited. Solos must ride solo, teams must not work together (thank you for asking)
      3) Start times will be listed the morning of the event. I would have like to have a start sheet posted on Saturday, but not everyone is registering early (and that is ok), it just does not allow me to have a complete list of teams and their abilities. The list will be posted at the close of registration.

      Thank you Jason.


    • Lots of miles Clay! Last year we had 124 for the mens teams and 100 for the ladies teams/solo riders. A few teams got off course and ended up with 130+ miles (I hope you don’t get off course). This year those distances might change. The course map will be released the night before the event!


  3. Pretty big temp swing forecast during the day tomorrow. Possible to leave a sling bag of layers at a checkpoint, and be able to retrieve it at the finish?


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